Lazy to lose weight

Effective ways to lose weightLazy to lose weight- A way to shed excess pounds without strenuous workouts, strict diets and calorie counting.

Lazy weight loss – who is it suitable for?

It happens that your jeans don't fit your belly and you desperately need to lose weight. However, sometimes it's simply not possible to add training into a very busy schedule - there just aren't enough days in the week. If you have neither the time nor the energy to lose those extra pounds and the word "diet" terrifies you, don't despair, there is always a way out. For example, lazy weight loss is safe and will not harm or harm your health. Many people think this is a fairy tale, but in fact everything is real. Now let’s find out.

Correct the water-salt system in lazy weight loss process

Plain water is the first step to healthy weight loss, as insufficient fluid intake is one of the causes of excess weight. How much do you drink every day? 30-35 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight is enough. Water to be precise, not juice, sweetened soda, coffee, or tea with sugar and milk. In addition to plain water, you can also drink herbal infusions and green tea.
Water is one of the tools that supports detoxification and removes toxic substances and metabolites from the body. In the case of dehydration, the elimination process is disrupted and toxins are deposited in the fatty tissue!
Tip: Try drinking a glass of warm water (38–40 °C) with a little lemon juice at the beginning of each main meal. This has effective effects on the body:
  • Stimulate intestinal function and accelerate metabolism;
  • Helps you know if you're really hungry (if you drink a glass of water and then want to eat, that's real hunger).
Be careful when choosing drinking water. Boiling tap water is far from the best solution. You should choose filtered water. However, it is not only the purity of the water that needs to be paid attention to, but also its mineral composition. Therefore, it is beneficial to enrich it. The choice is quite large:
  • coral sand,
  • shungite,
  • ionization rod,
  • water droplets containing minerals,
  • Mineral water, etc.
The best solution is to install a reverse osmosis filter with an ionizer in your home.Tip: After releasing the gas, add one cup of mineral water to every liter of regular water.People who care about their health should not only stay hydrated, but also maintain the water-salt balance in their bodies. To do this, it is enough to reduce the sodium content in food (less salt, avoid processed foods, sausages, baked goods) and increase the potassium content (add whole plant foods to the diet).Tip: Use natural flavors and herbs (rosemary, thyme, etc. ) instead of salt. There is absolutely no need to give up salt, the standard intake is 3 grams per day. It is best to choose pink Himalayan salt, which is rich in trace elements.

What to do if you’re too lazy to lose weight and don’t count calories

For those who want to lose weight, the golden formula is to burn more than you consume, creating a caloric deficit. Therefore, one of the popular methods is counting calories. This is a fairly labor-intensive process that can lead to eating disorders. We can do without him.Method 1: Chew thoroughly.When a person chews thoroughly, he eats less. This happens because the saturation signal reaches the brain with a slight delay.Many people don't know how to chew effectively. Simple rules can help you focus on food:
  • Put away your cell phone and books, and turn off the TV when eating;
  • Add raw vegetables to every meal. They are difficult to swallow without chewing;
  • Allocate 20-30 minutes for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and don’t get up early;
  • After you put a small piece of food into your mouth, put down your fork or spoon and place your hands on your knees. Start chewing. Food is ready to swallow when it is pureed and sweet. Then pick up a fork or spoon and continue eating.
Method 2. Formulate a diet.Try not to skip breakfast and lunch to avoid overeating in the evening or even at night.Tip: If you don't feel like eating, try drinking a glass of water 30 minutes before a meal with a tablespoon of lemon juice, ginger juice and a few grains of pink salt. This drink will help stimulate appetite and kick-start the digestive process. Don’t force yourself to eat, listen to your body and learn to read its signals. For example, a loss of appetite in the morning may be a symptom of stagnant bile or an interruption in the detoxification process.Method 3: Clean the space.Fat burning occurs when insulin levels are low, that is between meals. So, down with piecemealism, long live pure spacing! An interval of 3-4 hours during the day and 12-16 hours at night is ideal.suggestion:
  • Eat only at the dining room table so other items such as sofas are not associated with the food;
  • Sour, spicy, and bitter flavors effectively interrupt food cravings;
  • If you can't go without snacks, eat raw vegetables, nuts, but no fruit.
Method 4: Narrow the eating window.Set a time for when you will eat. For example, the window starts with 10 hours (from 9: 00 to 19: 00) and then gradually decreases to 8 hours. The shorter the interval, the less food can be eaten. Otherwise, "I love to eat" will turn into obesity. But this doesn't mean you should eat throughout the entire 8-10 hours - the number of meals should be 2-3 times.It is necessary to remember contraindications: insulin resistance and diabetes, cholelithiasis and bile stagnation, gastrointestinal inflammatory diseases, adrenal failure, strenuous physical activity. The presence of any disease requires consultation with a doctor and a holistic nutritionist.Method 5: Choose foods with the required caloric content.Eat more low-calorie foods and less high-calorie foods. Reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates in your diet (candy, baked goods) and increase the amount of fiber (green vegetables, raw vegetables).Industrial products often have higher calorie content; counting calories from natural foods is pointless. Provide yourself with 80% clean eating – and the lazy weight loss process begins! Clean Eating – whole foods without labels (meat, fish, vegetables, eggs, organ meats, greens, nuts, seeds, etc. ).Tip: If you can't eat a lot of vegetables, make a green smoothie. It contains useful substances: fiber - one, vitamins - two, minerals - three.raw material:
  • A handful of green vegetables,
  • half a cucumber,
  • half an avocado,
  • half a green apple,
  • Water (amount depends on desired consistency of smoothie).
Combine all ingredients in a blender and serve immediately. Yes, yes, it's not a bug. The correct way to do this is to eat your smoothie with a spoon rather than drinking it all in one go.Method 6. Introduce a complete diet.The basic principle of good nutrition is not to take, but to give. It is necessary to eliminate harmful "junk" foods from the diet and add high-quality proteins, fats, complex carbohydrates and fiber from fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs and seeds. Diversity is very important!Tip: When looking for recipes, visit cooking websites that contain real reviews. There is valuable data there.
Or you can use ready-made recipes - 326 complete meal recipes, 23 video lessons, and 13 lectures taught by professionals in the fields of culinary and nutritional science. You will not only learn how to prepare healthy and varied meals quickly, but you will also learn how to create your own recipes using special constructors, select products, kitchen gadgets, cutlery and household chemicals.
Method 7: Use the correct board.Many people grow up eating everything on their plate. Try choosing smaller plates and cutlery than you normally use.You can use two palm-sized bowls or flat plates as a base.

Sleep is an important part of lazy weight loss

In order to have energy during the day and not try to cheer yourself up with bread and sweets, you need to get enough sleep. Lack of sleep reduces the body's reserves. A person who does everything slower, thinks worse, and eats more - say "hello" to those extra pounds! This is why proper sleep can help you lose weight.You need to fall asleep between 22: 00 and 23: 00. The more sleep you get before midnight, the better—it helps with melatonin production. For people who go to bed after 24: 00, it will certainly be more difficult to switch to this mode immediately. Therefore, you should try to go to bed 15 minutes earlier every 3-4 days.It's important to remember to turn off all electrical and electronic devices, keep your phone away from your bed, or set it to airplane mode. Digital noise can have a negative impact on your sleep quality.

Advice for those who can't sleep

  • After 16: 00, avoid caffeinated drinks - cocoa, coffee, energy drinks, black tea, matcha. Choose herbal teas based on chamomile, valerian, or passionflower;
  • Take a magnesium salt bath (Epsom salt). The procedure helps normalize emotional states, relieve stress and tension, and remove excess fluid and toxins from the body.
How to Make a Magnesium Bath:
  1. Fill the bathtub with warm water.
  2. Add 500 grams of Epsom salt and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved.
  3. Shower for 15 to 20 minutes.
  4. After surgery, pat yourself dry with a towel and rest for one hour.
  5. To stay hydrated, drink water, or better yet, herbal tea with lemon balm.
If you don’t have the opportunity to take a shower, you can make a magnesium foot bath. Dissolve 100 grams of salt in 10 liters of water, the process lasts for 30 minutes.If you have trouble falling asleep, rituals to prepare your body for sleep can help. For example, salt baths, hot showers, reading, meditation (attention training). It is better to use applicators such as Lyapko, Kuznetsova. They affect the nervous system reflexively, so overarousal quickly subsides, allowing you to fall asleep. Lying on it for 15-20 minutes is enough, affecting the head, neck and back.Recommendation: Sleep well in a dark (thick dark curtains or sleep mask), humid (50–60% humidity), quiet, cool (18–20 °C) "cave".The most important thing is to tune in to Fun Tomorrow every night. By doing this, you'll find it much easier to get out of bed.

How to start your day right if you're too lazy to lose weight

How you spend the first hour of the morning can affect your mood during the day and the quality of your sleep at night. After sleep, metabolism needs to be started and intestinal function activated. Every morning, you should start with a simple (and equally effective) lymphatic drainage exercise. By doing this, you can eliminate swelling, which can lead to rapid weight loss. Massaging problem areas (abdomen, buttocks) with a dry brush along the flow of lymph will help tighten the skin easily.
  • Practice "vibrating cockroach". Lie on your back, lift your arms and legs, and start shaking them gently, like a vibration, for a minute.
  • Lymphatic drainage jumps. Perform a hundred quick low jumps. If you can't jump, stand on your toes with your heels touching the floor.

Physical activity for lazy weight loss

So we started doing physical activity. Many people will say that they don’t like exercise. Generally speaking, this is no longer about being lazy and losing weight. one way or another. There is no need to torture yourself with hours of training or to work out almost 24/7 in the gym. This does more harm than good. Just practice for 5 minutes a day and you will quickly feel the results.Sometimes it's enough to sit less and try to spread physical activity more or less evenly throughout the day. Put away the things you need so you can stand up and grab them. Generally speaking, standing more increases productivity.They say if you've done your work, go for a walk. Still, it’s best to take a break from work. Stand up for at least a few seconds, then sit down in a slightly different way. By the way, there is a difference between sitting and sitting. For example, squats place a high static load on the leg and core muscles. You can use an exercise ball instead of an office chair.Don't forget to walk. In addition to the well-known methods (taking the stairs instead of the elevator, shopping in distant stores), you can also walk on uneven surfaces (dirt, sand, stones). This burns more calories than walking on smooth asphalt.Play badminton, volleyball, ride a bike, rollerblade or roller skate with your kids or friends. Choose your preferred game type. In this case, you will have fun and lose weight at the same time. The minimum number of steps per day should be at least 8, 000 steps and preferably 10, 000 steps.suggestion:
  • Don't try to do high-intensity training right away. Slightly better, but often;
  • If you are taking medications and still have trouble losing weight, talk to your doctor to see if the medications are affecting you. Doctors should try to find alternatives.

in conclusion

Obviously, everyone wants to lose weight quickly. The most important thing to remember is that excessive physical activity is harmful to your health. Strict diets always lead to crashes.