Effective exercise for quick weight loss

weight loss exerciseThere is no magic bullet, no better way to lose weight than diet and exercise. Furthermore, one cannot exist without the other. But even simple weight loss exercises can help you increase activity, burn calories, and get a toned body.So, you decide to lose those extra pounds. What path will you take?
  1. Know your diet so you don't eat more than your body needs.
  2. Review your daily routine and ensure adequate rest and sleep, as fat is burned during sleep.
  3. Learn some theories about how the body works, how muscles grow and fat is burned.
  4. Invest in sportswear and shoes to avoid injuries while training.
  5. Try different exercises and choose the type of activity you enjoy.
  6. Train 3-4 times per week while maintaining a calorie deficit.
  7. Enjoy your new lifestyle and body.
By following this plan, you can lose weight and stay healthy through exercise and nutrition. Now let's take a closer look.

Proper nutrition facilitates weight loss

When losing weight, nutrition is the most important. No matter what type of exercise you choose, you won't be able to do it without understanding your eating habits. We won't give you information about calories and diet, but we will give you basic rules to help you lose excess weight. Fitness coaches say that 80-90% of successful weight loss is nutrition. Your goal is to spend more than you consume. Exercise can help you speed up the fat-burning process and increase the number of calories you burn, but the foundation of it all is nutrition.Trainer recommendations:
  1. Never allow yourself to feel hungry. The hungrier a person is, the more he will eat. When you're barely hungry, it's time to eat because you'll eat more in half an hour or an hour.
  2. Maintain your previous eating habits, but remove one scoop from your usual portion each day. It's a small amount, but if you look over the course of a week, that's seven scoops per meal. The stomach quickly gets used to it, starts to shrink and you are satisfied with less food.
  3. Don't overeat. No need to wait for that "phew, I'm full" feeling. You will feel full 15-20 minutes after eating. Only after this time can we objectively evaluate whether a person is full or not. When breathing is difficult, it is best to leave the table feeling full but not gluttonous.
When losing weight, proper nutrition should be based on protein and fat. Eat more meat, cheese, eggs, and fish. Don't forget vegetables and cereals, whole wheat bread. Healthy fats can be found in red fish, nuts and avocados. This type of nutrition will not make you feel hungry and will help you get all the necessary nutrients.The diet should be balanced and varied so that it does not break down. But if you really want to remember what cake and chips taste like, then you can eat the "forbidden" foods bit by bit. It is believed that if you eat 90% of the time right, then you can afford to eat 10% of the high-calorie foods.Should you diet or count calories? Everyone will choose a nutritional system that works for them. In a diet, you eliminate certain foods, thereby reducing the caloric content of your diet. low calorie foodsuggestion.Try creating this week's menu with your favorite recipes. There's nothing magical about PP recipes, and they tend to be higher in calories than regular recipes, and desserts made with almond flour take a lot of time. Based on simple whole foods and protein foods. Don't like oatmeal? Breakfast consisted of scrambled eggs and vegetables. You need to be flexible with your diet because a healthy lifestyle will stay with you throughout your life.And don't forget to keep up with your drinking habits, especially during strenuous exercise. Always have a bottle of water on hand. If you have trouble drinking plain water, add lemon juice or mint leaves.exercise at home

What to choose: training at home or the gym?

Everyone can choose where to train: at home or in the gym. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages.If you sign up for group training at a sports club, you need to go to the gym, pay and stick to a schedule. But it comes with all the equipment and exercise equipment needed for effective weight loss.Home workouts have become very popular recently. No need to go anywhere, stick to a plan and schedule. But it takes a strong will and some physical training to perform the exercises correctly.Weight loss exercises themselves are not that different at home and in the gym. They must be effective, intense and varied. You can train your abs with equal success at home or at the gym. You can work with a trainer via video call.

What you need to start training: Equipment and clothing

If you practice at home, a mat will come in handy. You may need small 2kg and 5kg dumbbells as well as exercise bands (if included in the training plan). In fact, you can do the workout without any equipment and use your own body weight for fat-burning cardio and strength training, no special equipment required. The gym has everything you need.No matter what, you'll need sportswear:
  • Sneakers with good cushioning and breathability;
  • Leggings or well-stretched sweatpants;
  • A few T-shirts made of synthetic fibers (cotton takes a long time for sweat to dry);
  • Women's sports tops.
This is a basic set that you can’t live without at the gym or at home. You'll also need a water container and, if possible, a fitness band or watch with heart rate functionality.suggestion.Bring a small towel with you when you go to the gym. You need to place it on your fitness equipment while doing exercises.Equipment for training at home

Types and Types of Training and Exercises: What to Choose?

Various types of exercises and exercises are effective for weight loss. This is explained by the individual characteristics of the body. The most effective type of training is considered aerobic exercise (aerobic exercise). But you also need to do anaerobic (strength) exercise so your skin doesn't sag after losing weight. Let’s figure out what are the basic types of weight loss training when training at the gym and at home. You'll learn why different types of activities are needed to successfully get in shape. Finally, decide which is better - cardio or strength training?

strength exercises

The purpose of strength training is hypertrophy, or muscle growth. In fact, strength training will speed up your metabolism, but gradually. Often, weight-lossers choose other types of training, and there's a reason for that.What are the benefits of strength training for weight loss?
  1. After strength training, the body uses calories to recover.
  2. When working "to failure", microdamage occurs to the muscles and the body expends energy to recover them.
  3. Muscle requires more energy to "maintain" than fat.
  4. There are elements of strength training that go into interval training, and in order to successfully implement them, you must first master the basics of proper execution.
It’s a myth that strength training is only for men. Women can also successfully lose weight and get in shape with squats, lunges, and weight training with dumbbells and barbells. You need to do strength training 2-3 times a week, alternating with aerobic exercise, to lose weight effectively.

Aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise is an excellent choice for weight loss. They rapidly cause fat burning while pumping the heart muscle and respiratory system. You can do aerobic exercise at home and at the gym. It's not always high-intensity training, but burning fat will take some effort. Beginners need to gradually join the training.Best cardio exercise:
  • Step sideways with arms raised;
  • boxing;
  • burpee;
  • kicked aside;
  • Lift your knees from the lunge;
  • jump rope.
Aerobic exercise is beneficial for both men and women. You need to do weight loss exercises 3-4 times a week for 40-50 minutes each time. You can complete strength training by walking briskly on a treadmill or using an elliptical machine.Running to lose weight

aerobic training

Aerobic exercise can help you lose weight and improve the function of your heart and blood vessels. When performing these actions, the body uses a large amount of oxygen. These exercises can make people more resilient. Aerobic exercise is considered the best way to burn calories.Aerobic exercise, or cardio as it is commonly known, is the best exercise for weight loss. This includes running, high-speed exercise bikes, elliptical machines, and brisk walking on the treadmill. What is important is that the fat burning process begins within 30 minutes. Exercise time should be 40-60 minutes, but it is best to start with 10-15 minutes and add 2-3 minutes each day.Aerobics include running, dancing, team sports and skating. In short, any load that gets your heart racing. However, in order to properly burn fat through cardio, you need to stick to a certain heart rate zone.Aerobic exercise can be done every day. If you alternate them with other types of exercise, then twice a week will be enough.

anaerobic training

During anaerobic training, the body receives energy without oxygen. Muscles use up glycogen (a product of the breakdown of glucose) that accumulates in the blood. These are strength training exercises in the gym designed to develop and strengthen muscles, as well as short distance running. They don't use fat for energy. Anaerobic exercise burns fewer calories than aerobic exercise. So what use are they to you? In fact, muscles use energy for some time after anaerobic exercise - 12-36 hours. Additionally, because of muscle growth, you burn fewer calories at rest. But coaches still agree that aerobic exercise is more effective for weight loss.

interval training

To lose weight quickly, you need to engage in vigorous but not strenuous exercise on a regular basis. HIIT (or HIIT in English) – interval training – tailored to your goals. They are suitable for both beginners and experienced athletes. You just need to pace yourself based on your level of readiness.Tabata is a great example of HIIT. Exercises should be completed quickly (but effectively) in 20-60 seconds. After this, you rest for 10-40 seconds. The longer the rest period, the less intense the workout. A HIIT workout might look like this:
  • running in place;
  • squat;
  • push-up;
  • push-up;
  • Use the plank to pull your knees toward your abdomen.
Generally, a circle consists of 5-6 exercises. Most of the time this is training with your own body weight. Beginners can run three laps, and advanced players can run five laps. Exercises can be performed in repetitions, but there are options when each interval is designed to work certain muscle groups.Thanks to this plan, within half an hour you'll be drying your sweat and feeling happy that you managed to burn 300-500 extra calories.Warm up before training

Warm-up before weight loss exercise: Is it necessary?

Here, coaches agree that warm-up before weight loss exercise is a must. The body warm-up takes 5-10 minutes but can help you prepare for your workout, avoid injury, and warm up all your muscles and joints.Before training, or even before stretching, you need to warm up. Do the simplest warm-up exercises:
  1. Slowly rotate your head clockwise and counterclockwise 3-4 times.
  2. Move your arms back and forth in circles at an average speed 5-10 times.
  3. Extend your arms away from your chest 5-10 times.
  4. Rotate your pelvis in both directions 5 times.
  5. Straighten your legs and lean toward your toes 5-10 times.
  6. Bend in both directions 5-10 times.
  7. Rotate your hips.
  8. Stretch your hands and ankles.
After the warm-up exercise, you can warm up by walking briskly on the treadmill for 10-15 minutes. Then head to the main complex.

Exercises to lose belly fat: sit-ups, leg raises, vacuum

It is impossible to lose weight in any one area because fat leaves the body more or less evenly. But you can lose weight in your belly and sides by doing exercises to tighten your skin and strengthen your abdominal muscles. These are basic strength exercises that can help you burn more calories. Exercises to reduce belly fat are no different for men and women: the techniques are the same for everyone. The most important thing is to train correctly and regularly, and then, as long as you have a calorie deficit and enough basic activity, you will get the desired relief. When that happens - a week, a month or six months, depending on your constitution and nutrition.abdominal crunch exercise

Ab Crunches: Straight, Reverse, Side

Bench press and crunch technique:
  1. Lie on your back on the mat with your knees bent.
  2. Press your chin toward your chest and place your palms behind your head.
  3. As you exhale, lift your body slightly and lift your shoulder blades off the mat.
  4. Tighten your abdominal muscles.
  5. As you inhale, slowly lower yourself to the mat without fully straightening.
Without standing too high, lift your chin off your chest and use your arms to pull yourself forward. The press should always be on edge.Reverse sit-ups on the floorThis is an exercise that involves lifting your legs while tightening your lower abdominal muscles:
  1. Lie on your back on your mat.
  2. Bend your knees so your shins are parallel to the floor and bring your heels together.
  3. On an exhale, lift your hips and lift your butt off the floor, resting your weight on your shoulder blades and drawing your knees toward your chest.
  4. While inhaling, return to the starting position without fully straightening your legs. Keep your abdominal muscles tight at all times.
Straight and reverse crunches can be performed on a bench, holding the bench behind your head with your hands.side sit-upsThe outer abdominal muscles of the abdominal muscles are strengthened. It's easy to do lateral crunches on a hyperextension machine:
  1. Adjust the height so the top of the exercise mat is at the same level as your pelvis.
  2. Starting position - Legs resting on the base of the simulator, body straight, arms at chest level.
  3. As you exhale, tilt your body downward, and as you inhale, return to the starting position.
Side crunches should be performed using your obliques, not your inertia.Repeat times and methods. For male and female beginners, three sets of 20 repetitions of sit-ups is enough. You can do it at the beginning or end of your strength training session, in the morning, afternoon, or evening.cyclical. At least once a week. The results of sit-ups depend on the structure. You can alternate between forward, reverse, and lateral crunches.Side panels

Lateral weight loss exercises: plank, bending, swinging

It is impossible to get rid of the sides with weight loss exercises alone. To burn stored fat, you need to maintain a calorie deficit and increase your physical activity. Planks, leg swings, and bends are all energy-consuming exercises that will help you lose excess weight and give your body beautiful curves.A set of side weight loss exercises to do at home must include exercises for the oblique muscles. Combined, these training elements will help you quickly remove fat deposits from your waist.

Side Plank: Strengthens all muscles

This is a basic exercise that allows you to sculpt your waistline while toning the muscles of your abs, back, legs, and arms. It can be done without special equipment. There’s a simple trick to doing side planks:
  1. Get into a regular plank position with your forearms and toes on the floor.
  2. Turn around and shift your weight to one side of your body.
  3. Tighten your abs, straighten your body, and support yourself on your forearms and ankles.
  4. Return to starting position - regular plank.
For advanced practitioners of the side plank, you can add crunches to tone your arm muscles and sit-ups to strengthen your abs.Repeat times and methods. It is enough to hold static exercises for 30 seconds, gradually increase the time. The exercise is performed in one method.cyclical. You can complete each exercise using a side plank.

Side bend: remove both sides

Bending will not help burn fat in problem areas, but it will strengthen the corset muscles that support your spine. Techniques for performing side bends:
  1. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Squeeze your shoulder blades to keep your abs toned.
  2. Slowly lean to one side and extend your arms along your body. You need to bend down as far as possible. Then return to the starting position.
  3. Repeat in the other direction.
  4. You can do nothing at first, then add 2kg dumbbells and gradually increase the weight.
Repeat times and methods. With 3 sets of 10 technical reps per side, this is a great addition to your training.cyclical. Lateral bends can be performed to one side once a week.

standing hip abduction

Hip abduction exercises involve the outside muscles, which will help you tighten up faster. The technique of this exercise is simple, the main thing is to perform it thoughtfully and not to swing your legs as quickly as possible.
  1. Stand up straight and place your hands on your waist.
  2. Extend your legs to one side and try to keep your body posture even.
  3. Slowly return the legs to the starting position.
You can also perform hip abduction on a machine or add load using elastic bands.Repeat times and methods. Repeat 3 sets of 15-20 times per leg.cyclical. Perform hip abduction once a week, alternating with other exercises.

Lift your legs while lying on your side

Lying hip abductions are the same as standing hip abductions, just done on a mat.
  1. Lie on your side and straighten your legs.
  2. As you exhale, lift your legs.
  3. While inhaling, slowly lower your legs to the starting position.
You can perform leg abductions while lying down with elastic bands or weights.Repeat times and methods. Repeat 3 sets of 15-20 times per leg.cyclical. It can be done once a week, alternating with other weight loss exercises.Leg weight loss exercise

Effective leg weight loss exercises

The legs and buttocks are problem areas for many women. Fat accumulates here quickly and easily, but takes a long time and is difficult to lose. But if you do butt exercises, you'll lose weight faster and maintain the results long-term.

Squats - the basic exercise for leg weight loss

When you squat, you put stress on all the muscles in your legs and buttocks. If you perform this exercise correctly, in addition to losing weight, your hips and butt will also become toned. We'll look at simple squats without weights: this exercise will help you develop technique and add weight.
  1. Stand with your feet spread apart as if you were about to squat. Place your feet approximately hip-width apart.
  2. Stand tall, tighten your abs, and straighten your legs.
  3. Lower your pelvis while extending your knees to the sides.
  4. Squeeze your hips and stand up straight.
There are many options for making squat technique more difficult:
  • Perform squats with barbell in the gym under the supervision of a trainer.
  • Squat with dumbbells in both hands.
  • Jump squats.
  • Perform exercises with hip bands.
Fun fact: Squats are useful for both men and women, but for some reason this exercise is considered purely for women. This is not recommended only for people with knee problems.Repeat times and methods. Three sets of 25 reps, bodyweight.cyclical. It's okay to squat with your own body weight at least every day, but it's best to do it at least every other day so your muscles have time to rest. Within 30 days, you'll see visible results of your hard work.push-up

Arm weight loss exercises

Exercises are great for reducing weight in your arms and shoulders. They don't burn fat in this specific area, but they tighten the skin and strengthen the biceps and triceps. As a result, your hands look slimmer and more beautiful.Arm weight loss exercises can be done at home without dumbbells. Push-ups can be done anytime and anywhere—you can even do them while leaning on your desk in the office.

Push-ups – classic training

Proper push-ups are a useful part of your regular weight loss workout routine. This exercise works your triceps, abs, and chest muscles. Classic push-ups - wide arms:
  1. Lie down in a lying position with your arms wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Tighten your abdominal muscles and buttocks and keep your body position as level as possible.
  3. On an inhale, lower your body while spreading your elbows to the sides. Lower yourself to the floor but don't touch it.
  4. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
Repeat times and methods. Most likely, you won't be able to do many push-ups at first. Aim for 15-20 reps per set for men and 10-15 reps per set for women. cyclical. You need to do push-ups regularly to improve your technique. Do this at least once a week if you did 3 workouts during that time.

knee push-ups

Those who still find it difficult to perform regular push-ups should try doing push-ups on their knees. It is easier for girls to do this particular type of exercise. technology:
  1. Kneel down and place your hands on the floor at shoulder level. This exercise is performed in a wide stance.
  2. Tighten your abdominal muscles, back muscles, and buttocks to maintain a straight line from your knees to the back of your head.
  3. Bend your elbows to touch your chest to the floor, then return to the starting position.
Repeat times and methods. Three sets of 10-15 repetitions.cyclical. At the end of each workout, you can perform push-ups on your knees.

Reverse push-ups

The benefit of reverse bench press push-ups is that they work the triceps. You can perform reverse push-ups on a bench at the gym or on a chair at home. Classic technology:
  1. Stand with your back on a bench or chair. Place your palms on the support so that your arms are symmetrical to your spine.
  2. While inhaling, bend your arms at your shoulders and elbows simultaneously, lowering your pelvis.
  3. On an exhale, straighten your arms and return to the starting position.
Repeat times and methods. For beginners, three sets of 15 reps is enough.cyclical. You can add reverse push-ups to every workout.

What to Keep in Mind When Creating a Weight Loss Training Plan

  • Never forget to warm up. A gentle warm-up can minimize the chance of injury and help prepare you for your workout.
  • Don't rest too long between sets. Your workout should be intense, but not exhausting. Half a minute of rest between sets is enough.
  • Drink water during breaks. Hydration is especially important during aerobic exercise.
  • If you want to lose weight in a certain area, you shouldn't exercise just for that area. You'll try to get rid of your abs by strengthening your abs and side muscles, but you'll quickly overtrain, get tired, and give up entirely. This set of exercises should be performed in harmony and include strength, cardio, and targeting problem areas.
  • Choose exercises you enjoy doing. If you want to lose weight at home without a trainer, here are some suggestions: Make exercise fun. Don't work too hard and overload your muscles and nervous system.
  • We recommend beginners contact a trainer. A professional will help you with practice techniques, training plans and menus.
  • Top tips for losing weight: Combine physical activity with a calorie deficit. You can't lose weight just by exercising; you need to rethink your menu.